With the progressive scanning of the New Zealand Crown Aerial Film Library, the increasing numbers of priceless images available are creating a welcome problem for the numerous clients accessing the data. Having the imagery safely transferred to a digital format though is only the start of the process. To make the imagery usable and discoverable, processing into orthophotography is the best option allowing the data to be used properly.
SKYVUW uses state of the art software paired with bespoke built computer hardware and now Agfa Apertune, to render orthophotography of any imagery. SKYVUW understand that it currently has the only system of this type in New Zealand.
One particularly difficult attribute with the oldest of imagery is the tendency to be badly exposed and, as the lenses weren’t so good back in the 1930’s, there is always a “hot” area of the image that makes digital mosaicking difficult and often produced a “banded” image. With Agfa Apertune, the imagery is run through a series of algorithms that dodge the images, balancing them across the entire image to create a more even density throughout. If you want to read more, please visit the Agfa website to learn what this amazing package does.

Experience built up with this processing environment has meant that SKYVUW is able to offer a very cost effective and timely processing solution, providing data in whatever projection is required and tiled to whatever tile size and resolution fits the clients needs.
To date, clients SKYVUW has provided Historical Orthophotography include;
- Waikato Regional Council
- Bay of Plenty Regional Council
- GNS Science
- Tasman District Council
- Invercargill City Council
- Auckland City
- Horizons Regional Council

Want to know more or book us for your project?